Custom Domain

How to integrate custom domain with Peerlist profile.

Peerlist now offers custom domain integration, allowing you to host your Peerlist profile on your personal domain and use it as your portfolio.

You profile must be published to use this feature.

Step-by-step guide to integrate custom domain.

  1. Open the right side panel menu by clicking on your profile picture in top-right corner.

  2. Click on Custom Domain option. You can directly open the settings by going to this link —

  3. Step 1: Enter your domain name and click on Add domain • $9 — You will be redirected to Stripe for payment.

  4. Step 2: To verify domain ownership, please add the TXT record to your domain. Once added, click on Verify Ownership.
    Note: It may take anywhere between 30-60 minutes for domain propagation.

  5. Step 3: Add A or CNAME record to your DNS settings. Once added, click on Check Configuration.

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